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Canada's Total Mom Pitch 2023

Presenting Sponsor

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henry brooks llp logo
North road digital logo
wekh logo

Meet the Winner 

pitch winner Aeryon wellness
aeryon wellness logo

Aeryon Ashlie

Aeryon Wellness is a wellness brand that uses the latest in scientific research to formulate and distribute to the highest grade, all-natural, support supplements that make a difference. Their innovative use of QR codes provides education, nutrition and strategies to assist women on their journey to sustainable health and wellness.


“To make it to the top five finalists is incredible. I never in my wildest dreams thought I’d win,” said Aeryon Ashlie, CEO of Aeryon Wellness, “but the best part is having my daughter here to witness the whole thing. It is really a total mom moment.”

2023 Pitch Finalists

pitch finalists
pitch finalists


Judges 2
Judges one
judges faces

2023 Recognition Awards

TD Social Enterprise Award

"This award is given to a business that embeds a social, cultural or environmental purpose into the business and/or reinvests their profits into their mission"

td logo

Bell Digital Innovation Award

"This award is given to the business that is taking a digital and innovative approach to growing, building or sustaining their business."

bell logo

Most Transformational Business Award

"This award is given to the business that has supported its customers through a significant transformation, either through measurable growth or a transformation in ideology. This award will consider the scale of the transformation, feedback from the business's customers, as well as data that supports the transformation."

Black Moms Connection Village Award

"This award is given to the business that is majority-owned by a self-identifying Black woman in recognition of the additional barriers Black women face in getting funding for their businesses. This award looks at businesses that look at finding a solution to a problem that serves all, ensure there is an equity-lens (ex: diverse staff in executive/management position) and is a celebration of diversity in authentic ways."

Design for Success Award

"This award is given to the business that has displayed the most creative use of design to capture the attention of its audience."

vista logo

IP Star Award

"This award is given to the business which has best harnessed its IP to grow. This award looks at the business' use of its brand and systems to create courses, licensing programs, certifications or franchises."

henry brooks llp logo
black moms connection logo
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